Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What the Heck?!

What in the hell is going on in this country. The Illinois governor tries to sell Barack Obamas senate seat , And the state supreme court does not want to pursue the case ?! I mean we all know politicians are bought and paid for ,but damn Why make it obvious.the politicians are so worried now about what other countries think about us , They need to be worrying about what is going on here. If things keep going the way they are , We will be a third world nation within the next 5 yrs. unemployment is at the highest level in decades , more and more companies are either shutting down , or moving operations over seas. I am sorry folks only so many people can work at Walmart, or Mcdonald's. The people in our country need to take a stand against the corruption and stupidity that is going on . Not be silent make our voices heard for change . All of the politicans now just tell us what we want to here to shut us up . Well... look where that has got us. And That is the way I see it.


Michelle said...

You made some great points hunny.

Cliff said...

I have stated before on other blogs that our country needs a strong third party. Maybe at that point the politicians will work for the good of the country and not toe the party line.

Next thing is that someone in this country has to come up with a "better mousetrap". I think that's what should be stressed. Other countrys cannot flood our markets with cheaper versions of what they don't have.

J. Moses said...

Go for it man. You have to let the inspiring moment come to you, grab it, and then put pen to paper (or in my case, fingers to keyboard) and see what comes out. Inspiration comes from things we least expect or see coming.

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