Wednesday, December 31, 2008
My new years resolutions.
Well first of all I would like to wish everyone a Happy New year. There are alot of things that I hope to change this coming year. For one I am going to quit drinking. Next I am going to quit smoking. Come hell or high water I am going to get our finacial situation under control. I am going to spend more time with family , and quit living like a recluse all the time. I am going to try to be less negative about things even when I have those days that everything I touch turns to crap. I would like to start working out and get myself in shape. These are just a few of the things I would like to change , If I listed them all I would be here till 2010 lol. So to all In the blogosphere have a safe and happy New year!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
rest in peace suzanne .
Suzanne (liquid) horne, Was such a lovely , smart , artistic person .I do not understand depression totally even though i know I have it. She has two beautiful children , both of them seem healthy and strong . How someone could have so much love around them and not see it. My wife michelle and her were getting pretty close , suzanne was going to help us when we re-newed our vows in the coming spring . She said " I have friends that owe me favors " lol . she was an absolute brilliant and beautiful woman , and although i did not get to know her as much as I would have liked to have, simply because she is was a smartass similiar to myself .I hope she has found peace in herself and I hope someone is holding her and keeping her safe for all time . May you rest in peace sweet suzanne , And remember you were, and forever will be loved by all In your family and your other family the blogosphere . rest in peace .
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Music Monday --- Three Day's Grace
Three Days Grace --- Pain
Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
I am totally mad!
I went to the store earlier today, weather was bad . I should have stayed home ,But dumbass me went anyway. I was about a block away from home , my car slid into a curb , Now my car will not steer at all. Brand new car 2008 chevy aveo . I have only had it since may . What away to close out 2008. This year has sucked for me and our family . You guys already know about the summer events, We started bankrupt process , next day our son broke his hand. She went to doc the otherday cause she has a lump on her neck. The doc said it was a fat deposit and wants it removed. So we are going to get it fixed. I hope 2009 is better, But right now the " light at the end of the tunnel" I cannot see. Right now I am at a loss of what to do , Ihave a decent job and make decent money but.. Not enough to make it when bad things happen. I hope things work out soon, My sanity can only take so much.It is almost like the world is closing in around me. I try , and try and the Tires are just spinning in place. If you all have any ideas , They would be greatly appreciated.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Music Monday -- Black Crows
Almost that time
Well folks It is almost that time . The road to the Superbowl . There is one more week of the regular Nfl season left , and this year there are alot of surprise teams that made it to the playoffs this year. My Indy colts squeaked into it by beating Jacksonville thursday night .Next week the colts play the AFC south champions the Tennessee Titans . The colts have held that title for five seasons It should be a great game. Today the Titans take on the Steelers I hope they beat the titans up pretty good before next weeks game lol. Well all have a good day I will post my Music Monday selection later tonight .
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
What the Heck?!
What in the hell is going on in this country. The Illinois governor tries to sell Barack Obamas senate seat , And the state supreme court does not want to pursue the case ?! I mean we all know politicians are bought and paid for ,but damn Why make it obvious.the politicians are so worried now about what other countries think about us , They need to be worrying about what is going on here. If things keep going the way they are , We will be a third world nation within the next 5 yrs. unemployment is at the highest level in decades , more and more companies are either shutting down , or moving operations over seas. I am sorry folks only so many people can work at Walmart, or Mcdonald's. The people in our country need to take a stand against the corruption and stupidity that is going on . Not be silent make our voices heard for change . All of the politicans now just tell us what we want to here to shut us up . Well... look where that has got us. And That is the way I see it.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Music Monday -- My Chemical Romance
I like this song , and the theatrics of the video.
Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted.
Friday, December 12, 2008
history plus good news
my wife and I have been married for the last 14yrs. We have been through alot more than most people that have been married twice as long in some cases. Not long after We got married she got pregnant , Which ended in a miscarriage. Our apartment caught fire a few months later and we were forced to live in another one but only a cockroach invested dump, One night I almost got shot by gangbangers that were running the streets near our apartment. We then moved raised our son , not always the best way we could have. In 2003 We were not getting along to well and a mutual friend of ours introduced us to a friend;s daughter , Who happened to be the biggest mistake of my life. She fed on the fact my wife and I wasnt getting along , and pretty much suckered me into sleeeping with her and eventually throw michelle out. We did separate for a time and I will regret it forever. We reconsiled and , not too long after We got pregnant with our daughter. We had her oct,14,2004. After pregnancy she dealt with postpartom depression which started to cause a rift between us. She eventually got over that . We have had fights off and on all couples do if you don't somethin wrong trust me. This past summer I was working alot of hours , so my moods were not always very good. For vacation this july I took her to New orleans , It is an awsome city. I went back to work still working alot of overtime . Tired and irritable alot , I admit I lost focus on family , and I regret . My wife was begging for attention and she found it online . She was on Facebook , and 4 guys were paying alot of attention to her ,and she got carried away and flirted with them and sent them bad photos. I consider it cheating on me , She believes it was a tease that went to far . I am not posting this to make her feel guilty for that . I am at fault for alot of things . For one I have a drinking problem , which she absolutely abhores which I intend to fix. All I ask from her is honesty and support and love.I have had to watch her self destruct for almost 3 years between 2005- 2006 . she found her Mom dead, and Her Dad. That is a hell of alot to take for anyone. Well now all have our messed up history now for the good part. Despite all both of our mess ups We have prooven we love eachother . We are going to renew our vows and make a fresh start. I love her more than life itself , and I know I would be lost without her , She is everything to me . I repeat this was not to make her feel bad about anything , We have both both screwed up big time . We fix our finacial situation and be honest with eachother at all times , I know our marriage with be unbreakable. I love you Michelle With all my heart and soul.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Music Monday -- Saving Abel
Saving Abel--Addicted
Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Sorry for those who disagree with me , But I am happy as hell OJ was sentenced to 15yrs today. I believe he should have got a hell of alot longer, but at least he is finally gonna pay for screwing up.The famous people always believe they are above the law, and alot of times the justice system prooves it. If you do the crime ,you should do the time no matter what your finacial status is , or your popularity . If you think back to the time of Abraham Lincoln " all men were created equal" , How long has this country still been treating the poor, or even the middle class like we owe the rich something. the crooked CEO's of "big business" giving themselves bonuses then having the balls to ask congress for a bailout. The politicians have got to change the way they run this country or we will be a third world country like alot of the mid east is today. And That is the way I see it.
Monday, December 1, 2008
A little more about me
Well I have posted in earlier posts I am a big horror movie buff. But I also love the star wars saga . The classic story of good vs evil is always good.Here is me as a Sith lord.T
hen we Have The other movies I liked growing up, Batman , spider man , and of course super
man.Then We have the recent classics Pirates of the caribbean.thanks speedy that site is hilarious.

Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy thanksgiving
To everyone In the blogosphere . May you all have a safe and happy Thanksgiving! I am gonna eat myself into a turkey coma lmao just kidding . have a good weekend .
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
onther sunday of good football on the way!

This sunday my Indianapolis colts take on one of my new friend's teams the Cleveland Browns. Cliff of Wixy's Gone bananas fame loves the Browns , All I can say Is good luck to your team Cliff they are gonna need it. The colts have been on the money the last few weeks . But may the best team win , My friend
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
for the Horror movie lovers

I love horror movies , My favorites are the slasher movies . But I do like the ghost stories too. So here is my question to all of you . What is your favorite horror film . Here are some examples of mine.13 ghosts, Friday the 13th ,halloween,the grudge, And nightmare on elm street. what is your favorite scary movie ?
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Another excellent game

Well another great week of the NFL season! My Indianapolis Colts won a very hard fought game against the Houston Texans, 33-27 . It was a total shoot out , both teams fought hard I commend the Texans on a good game. The hits were very hard , they looked like they were tryin to kill eachother out there, (my kinda football). Next week the Colt's take on the Chargers another big rival . Hopefully they can pull through to keep our playoff hopes alive . Go Colts!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
My days as a backyard wrestler.
Back In 2000-2001 I used to wrestle in a local wrestling federation.We were young and stupid and did the same things , you see on tv. We would have a wreslting show every sunday and local kids, and some parents would come watch our show. My wife michelle of Rusin Roundup was my manager . I had a blast when I was doing it , but injuries did happen . Wrestling is acting and matches are predetermined but you cannot fake gravity. Here are a few pictures from one of my matches . I am the bald one in white pants



Monday, November 10, 2008
Happy veterans day.

These are pictures of my late grandfathers whom both served during WWII . The other picture is of my Uncle Steve who served; not pictured my Uncle Terry Boyll who served in the Air Force. My baby brother Derek served in the Army. I respect our veterans and our troops for what they are doing for our country. Let us never forget.
Friday, November 7, 2008
another good matchup on sunday

Should be a good game this sunday . When my indianapolis colts take on the pittsburgh steelers . Both teams fight hard when they face eachother . Indy beat New england by a very short margin last weekend , I hope they have a good game this week. The colts have been struggling this season with less than perfect play and alot of injuries to key players like bob sanders. He is a difference maker when he is in the game. Peyton manning has been playing hurt with a surgically repaired knee so his game is not up to it's usual. But hopefully my guys in blue can get the job done.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
What We did this weekend
This past sunday , The wife and kids and I visited the park we like to camp at during the summer just to see how great the woods and the lake look in the fall. We had a nice time , walked some trails and walked by the lake . I took a few pics so you guys could see.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
random thoughts

have you ever woke up in the morning and have felt like you are getting ready to enter the gates of hell?Of course I am talking about going to work lol . Sometimes it seems like some people make it a personal mission to piss you off.But you live through it day in and day out . Only to have more stress at home , Wife or husband bitchin( whichever the case )kids screamin and yellin . It is a wonder that every married couple with kids In this world is not insane . Then you get older and doctors expect you to take care of yourself . Don't smoke or drink , watch what you eat so you don"t get heart disease or diabetes What is that about ? I say live how you wanna live cause you could die tomorrow . Live to the fullest , do what you wanna do in life . Don't be stupid about it don't do things that endanger yourself or others , But have fun and live life how you chose to live it.If you wanna be some fat guy looking at puter porn and eating cheetos in your underwear I say more power to ya. If you are a woman that wants to have a sex change to be a man and only wants to date men .. hell more power to ya. the moral of my story is this folks love life , do whatever it takes in this life to be happy , life is way to short to stress the small stuff. Love your family and your country and do what you can to make this world a better place for the short time we are here. And with that I bid you all a good night.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
4 days to go

4 more days to go kiddies till halloween , Did you remember to buy the candy or will the ghouls and goblins play tricks on you lol. My daughter decided to be the little mermaid this year my son decided to be some kinda zombie or something . I hope you all have a safe halloween , and may your kiddies make out like bandits this year.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
It won't be long now

It won't be long now, My favorite time of the year halloween!!!! I have always loved this holiday for many reasons, decking out the house with monsters and putting a grave yard out in our front yard. I have always been a fan of the classic monster movies, and some of the new ones that come out each year. And of course I love the wild outfits the kids dress up in . I sometimes dress up and scare the trick or treaters , that's always fun lol . Happy halloween everyone.
good game this sunday
well should be a good game this sunday my indianapolis colts face the green bay packers ,It will be interesting to see if green bays new quarterback can handle the colts son played this saturday in the playoffs for the junior high teams , he was a beast that boy finally got the heart to lay people out lol. He looked like a wresler spearing kids out on the field .He was even named mvp of the game by all the coaches . they won 13-0 against a higher ranked team. The picture above is my son's team , they have worked hard this year hopefully next week they can beat the next opponents
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
my baby girl
It seems only yesterday that the dr. brought you to your mom and I , your mom was so happy you were a girl to help carry on her favorite aunt's namesake . your grandma rusin kept swearing you were going to be a boy, so when the doc let me take you out to show everyone I introduced you as our baby girl . these last 4 years have gone so fast but I still rember your birth as if it happened yesterday , you are growing up so beautiful and strong , there is no bad bone in you . You are so polite for your age and so smart . You are daddy's babygirl whether you are 4 or 34 you are my angel .I promise mommy and daddy will work hard to help you be a good person , educated and hopefully a good mommy some day . I love you my darling daughter ....... daddy
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